Avoid These Things Oftently If You're Using Collagen Supplements - YourHappyLife
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Article: Avoid These Things Oftently If You're Using Collagen Supplements

Avoid These Things Oftently If You're Using Collagen Supplements
Collagen Powder

Avoid These Things Oftently If You're Using Collagen Supplements

Avoid These Things Oftently If You're Using Collagen Supplements

As collagen is the current buzzword in the beauty business, we assume you are familiar with its importance in your beauty regimen.

Collagen, in case you forgot, is the most common protein in the human body and is essential for healthy hair, strong nails, and healthy-looking skin.

The body's ability to produce collagen gradually declines as we become older. Therefore, it is crucial to find a way to shield the skin's supporting structure from this production slowdown to slow the skin's aging process and make one look more attractive. Using YourHappy Collagen (Advanced) as part of a daily skincare routine is one way to keep skin youthful. However, you should avoid doing these things to get the most out of your collagen supplements.

Avoid These If You Use Collagen Supplements

  • Consuming An Excessive Amount Of Sugar


Addictive substances like sugar hinder the body's natural repair processes. More quickly depleted Collagen stores are another downside. The structural proteins in your skin, collagen and elastin are especially vulnerable to damage. These proteins are responsible for a complete and buoyant complexion characteristic of young, healthy skin. By dehydrating and brittlely stiffening collagen and elastin, AGEs reduce their resilience and elasticity. Wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines are all outward signs of the effects.

The sort of collagen a person has also changed when they consume much sugar. The skin contains all three main collagen types (Type I, II, and III). Collagen's strength and durability improve from weakest (Type I) to most substantial (Type III). However, the structural integrity of your skin is compromised as Type III collagen is converted to Type I due to glycation.

Therefore, don't eat as much sugar, especially refined sugar.

  • Sun Exposure

Sun Exposure

Sun damage is a significant threat to collagen, and prolonged contact with the sun is one of the worst culprits. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is widely acknowledged to hasten skin aging.

UV rays cause the skin to age prematurely, a process known as photoaging. Symptoms of photoaging include dyspigmentation, skin thickness, loss of elasticity, and fine lines and wrinkles. Sunlight generates UV rays, which are most harmful to the skin during months with high UVR levels (usually during the warmer months of the year).

  • UVA: 315 nm–400 nm 
  • UVB: 355 nm–400 nm 
  • UVC: 395 nm–400 nm
  • The wavelength range of ultraviolet B light - 280-315 nm. 
  • The range of ultraviolet-visible light - 100-28 nm.

Due to the ozone layer's ability to absorb UVC, the skin is protected from its harmful effects. Sunburn is caused by UVB, which is absorbed mostly by the epidermis. There is evidence that the dermis absorbs up to 20% of UVA.

When exposed to UV light, the skin undergoes physiological changes. Oxidative stress in skin cells is triggered by UV light, which in turn generates free radical activity. Inflammation and the degradation of collagen and elastin are the results of this. By stimulating the receptors of epidermal cells, ultraviolet radiation (UVB) causes free radical activity associated with collagen degradation.

UV exposure reduces the skin's ability to eliminate and repair damaged collagen fibers, although this ability is present, to begin with. Lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin all start because collagen bundles are cross-linked and disordered after years of this. For this reason, being out in the sun's rays for an extended period is terrible for collagen renewal. Prolonged sun exposure may increase the collagen and elastin degradation rate. Make sure to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen every time you go outside, and don't leave your arms, neck, chest, or hands uncovered.

  • Smoking


Smoking negatively affects Collagen, which is also a significant cancer risk. Researchers found that smoking inhibited collagen production by as much as 40%. In addition, a recent study found that smoking significantly reduced the skin's ability to renew, hastening age. Smoking has long been thought to accelerate the aging process and lead to the development of wrinkles. The skin-degrading enzyme was considerably higher in cells exposed to cigarette smoke. Because it can repair itself, skin keeps looking healthy and young.

New replacement tissue must be generated at the same rate old skin is degraded. Enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) dissolve dead skin. Collagen fibers, which account for roughly 80% of normal skin, are shattered by these enzymes. Smoke from cigarettes was filtered through a saltwater solution and then tested on collagen-producing skin cells, according to a study cited by the journal Science. They found that cells exposed to secondhand smoke released considerably more MMP than skin cells under normal conditions.

You must quit if you are a smoker and want to protect your collagen.

  • Alcohol


Alcohol is a diuretic that can cause you to lose water from your body. Dry, flaky skin with fine lines and wrinkles results from Collagen protein fibers becoming separated and unable to bond together when the skin is dehydrated. Since alcohol quickly slows the skin's Collagen regeneration cycle, drinking too much can reduce the effectiveness of collagen supplements. Furthermore, drinking can cause severe damage to your vital organs.

You must limit or quit if you drink excessive alcohol and want to protect your collagen.

  • A Sleep Deprivation

A Sleep Deprivation

According to several studies, Sleep restores immune system function, and immunological changes can impair collagen formation. In addition, several studies indicate that continuous sleep deprivation disrupts the skin's and mucous membranes' barrier function. In reality, sleep deprivation impacts the makeup and integrity of numerous systems. Thus, we anticipated that sleep deprivation and other forms of stress could compromise skin integrity.

Sleep is essential for inner and outer beauty, health, and energy. Getting enough sleep at night allows the body to repair damaged Collagen, hence avoiding the development of wrinkles. You need at least eight hours of high-quality sleep per night.

The Takeaway


YourHappy Collagen (Advanced)

Get the Collagen supplement your body needs. Expert studies have shown that using Yourhappylife Marine Collagen can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. In addition, the supplemental Collagen from yourhappylife strengthens your hair, nails, joints, muscles, bones, and ligaments.


What exactly is meant by collagen degradation?

Collagen fibers are degraded via the fragmentation of collagen fibrils by collagenolytic enzymes and the ingestion of collagen fragments by macrophages and fibroblasts or by further cleavage by gelatinases.

What can prevent collagen from being produced?

While we're young, our body fights environmental effects and makes collagen for good skin. But by the time we hit 35, the collagen-producing cells in our bodies have slowed due to years of exposure to sweets, pollution, cigarettes, UV rays, stress, and coffee.

How can collagen degradation be prevented?

Vitamin C and antioxidant-rich meals, not smoking, cutting back on alcohol, and sun protection may help with collagen preservation and production.

Does taking collagen before bedtime help you sleep better?

Collagen has been shown to boost both sleep and mental health. According to research conducted on humans, taking 3 grams of glycine (the amount found in 1 serving of collagen) before bed improves sleep quality.

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