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Article: Becoming Aware That Seasonal Changes Will Affect Your Diet

Girl eating health food - Seasonal Diet

Becoming Aware That Seasonal Changes Will Affect Your Diet

People tend to hibernate and stock up on warm clothes and shoes when the temperature decreases and winter approaches. Many stick to the same seasonal diet despite the changes. They need to realize that their body's nutritional demands change throughout the year and that more than the food and diet they follow during the summer might be required to meet those needs throughout the winter.

However, how does the season affect your eating habits? Keep reading if that's what you're wondering. This article highlights seasonal nutrition and ways to fill nutritional deficiencies.

The more you understand seasonal dietary intake, the more you can enjoy the health benefits of the foods you eat. Unfortunately, this means that you need to scroll down to see everything.

How Does The Changing Of The Seasons Impact Your Health?

It is essential to monitor your body's response from shorts to more warm trousers and sweaters as the season's change. Here's how your body adjusts to the new season: -

  • Body Temperature Change 

Body Temperature Change

In the heat of summer, many choose dishes that can be served at a lower temperature. All thanks to thermoregulation, the technique by which your body keeps itself at the right temperature.

However, the body's efforts to keep its core temperature constant increase when the ambient temperature drops. Therefore, more calories are needed to sustain the increased activity.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder, Or SAD

Seasonal Affective Disorder, Or SAD

Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a depression that commonly strikes people as winter sets in. At this moment, you feel gloomy and depressed. Carbohydrates boost mood and are the healthiest food to eat to fight sickness. The serotonin hormone is produced in the brain from the amino acid tryptophan, which is transported by the insulin found in carbohydrates.

  • Resistance to Insulin 

Resistance to Insulin

Your body is more resistant to the effects of insulin in the late summer and early winter. It's a strategy for preserving body fat through the fall and winter. As a result, winter is a time when many individuals put on weight.

  • Having dry skin 

Having dry skin

Because of the low temperatures and low humidity of fall and winter, you may notice your skin becoming dry.

  • Flu 


Seasonal change often brings with it a higher chance of flu. In addition, alterations in temperature carried on by the passage of the seasons can strain your body and weaken your immune system.

What Part Does Proper Nutrition Play In Different Seasons?

The nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body requires to function appropriately change with the seasons. For example, 

  • Sunlight & Vitamin D: When individuals spend more time outside, vitamin D increases in the summer, and the sun is more substantial. Conversely, you have less direct solar exposure throughout the winter. As a result, your body will produce less vitamin D from sunlight. In the winter, getting enough vitamin D is essential by eating foods like tuna, eggs, and milk.
  • Vary In Seasonal Food: Let's look at a different scenario. Compared to oranges harvested in the summer and spring, oranges harvested in the winter are tastier and more nutritious. Or, there are better ideas than eating watermelon in the middle of winter because summer fruits contain more water and help you cool down, but eating winter vegetables enables you to warm up. This is why you should think about eating seasonal cuisine.

Additionally, if you pay close attention to what you eat throughout the summer and spring but stick to the same foods throughout the winter, you may not get the right amount of critical nutrients for your body. This is due to the need for artificial preservation of summer foods so they may be consumed year-round. As a result, the food loses a lot of its flavor and nutritional content as it goes through these steps. All of this shows how beneficial it is to consume foods that are in season and to stick to organic options wherever possible.

Can You Identify The Seasonal Changes In Your Nutritional Needs?

Winter Time

There is other stuff to do during the winter besides enjoying the season. Additionally, it would be best to consider the nourishment you may lack throughout the winter. Here are the nutrients you may be deficient in during the winter months:

  • Fiber
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D

Summer Time

When you sweat in the heat, you lose not just water but also essential nutrients and minerals, including: 

  • Electrolytes
  • Vitamin A

How Is Nutrient-Rich Your Diet? What Factors Play a Role?

Poor diets can cause many symptoms, but these are the most common:

  • Abnormal heart rate: It's a warning sign that your diet lacks calcium.
  • Chapped lips: Vitamin A helps maintain the health of the tissues that form the skin and mucous membranes. Excessive dryness and irritation of the skin are two of the symptoms of vitamin A insufficiency.
  • Fatigue: Vitamin D deficiency is a common reason for feeling exhausted for no apparent reason.
  • Hair fall: Iron deficiency has been linked to excessive hair clumping on the pillow, in the shower, and beyond.
  • Vision at night gets worse: Having this condition is another sign of vitamin A deficiency.

How To Fill Up The Gaps With Foods & Dietary Supplements 

A lack of proper nutrition is all too common. However, if you find out you have it, you need to act fast and make the nutritional changes that will keep you healthy. To make up for those missing nutrients, try these: 

  • Consume healthy foods 

Focus on seasonal food options that are readily available in the marketplace. Eat lots of fiber-rich foods every day. Fruits, vegetables, and dietary supplements all contain fiber. Even if you're on a diet restricting carbs and fats, you still need to eat a certain amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Plant-based proteins and other vegan sources of nourishment are available to those who wish to follow a vegan diet. The body needs it to make energy, and it helps the body absorb vitamins.

  • Make veggie soups 

It's a simple approach to enjoying the health advantages of vegetables year-round. Use seasonal veggies to improve the nutritional value, organic nutrients, and excellent flavor.

  • Include Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important all year round. Boosting your immune system helps you remain healthy as the seasons change. 

  • Incorporate nutritional supplementation 

Using supplements is one of the most effective ways to compensate for vitamin deficits. They are a great option to make up for dietary deficiencies. However, even the healthiest eaters may still need to catch up on key nutrients. This is why taking a multivitamin & immunity booster is beneficial. Add on YourHappy Immunity (Fizz) in your everyday life to remain strong in immunity.

The Takeaway

Examining your eating and food-buying habits may help you improve your overall health. Starting with little measures to learn about seasonal eating's purpose and advantages is a good start. No matter how much you try, your body cannot handle the same diet all year. In addition, as the seasons change, your body requires a different balance of nutrients. Use natural supplements with Yourhappylife if you cannot change your diet. As a result, the nutritional gaps in your diet can be filled by supplements.


How does one's diet change as the seasons change?

Unquestionably! Food that matches seasonal fluctuations is essential for health. For example, most fresh fruits and vegetables are accessible year-round, but non-seasonal ones have far lesser nutritional value.

What effects do seasonal changes have on the human body?

Our bodies react differently to extreme heat, cold, or lovely weather. Flu, heart disease, new cases of diabetes, and the onset of depression all peak in the winter. The summer has its own set of dangers, and the winter may offer some health advantages.

How does the shift in weather affect our regular routines?

Climate, weather, and seasons affect our daily lives—climate influences where people live. The weather can be both good and bad for people and their possessions. Likewise, labor, nutrition, festivals, and leisure vary with the seasons.

Does seasonal eating matter?

Scientists are just beginning to understand the health benefits of more than 5,000 phytonutrients. Eating seasonally is one of the best ways to absorb phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables.

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