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Article: How BMI And BMR Influence Your Efforts To Lose Weight

How BMI And BMR Influence Your Efforts To Lose Weight

How BMI And BMR Influence Your Efforts To Lose Weight

When trying to lose weight, there are a few key indicators to keep an eye on. This includes not just what you see on the scales but also your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and body mass index (BMI).

Using your BMR and BMI, you can determine your daily calorie requirements, optimal weight, and total daily energy expenditure. However, these calculations should always be considered approximations. Body mass index (BMI) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) have been widely employed by fitness professionals as measures of healthy weight. So, what does each of these words mean, exactly? What do these numbers signify, and how can you use them to help you lose weight? read on.

Body Mass Index (BMI) & Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Body Mass Index (BMI) refers to a person's weight-to-height ratio. The scale measures the amount of fat on one's body. The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) quantifies the energy required by the body at rest for vital processes. There is a connection between body mass index and basal metabolic rate in that both tend to rise in tandem with one another when body fat percentage does.

How is BMI measured?

Your body mass index can be easily calculated. First, calculate your ideal weight by dividing your current weight in kilograms (kg) by the square of your height in inches (m2). 

BMI = kg/m2

For example, if you are currently 175 pounds and are 5 feet and 10 inches tall, your body mass index (BMI) is around 25.1. A calculator app on your phone or computer could also do the trick.

BMI Calculation results:

Using your body mass index (BMI) as a benchmark, you can more easily reach your ideal weight. Here's how you may make sense of your body mass index results:

  • Below 20 = underweight (or slim and trim)
  • 20 to 25 = ideal body weight range
  • 25 to 30 = obesity (If you're large-boned and muscular, 25-27 may be healthy.)
  • 30 and above = very obese/high risk
  • 40 or above = severe obesity/high risk of health issues

Those who get their BMI calculated are cautioned to just accept the information as a starting point for further investigation.

How is BMR measured?

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) calculation could be difficult. Men's and women's basal metabolic rates are determined in various ways. To decide on your basal metabolic rate (BMR), using an online calculator is one of the most straightforward and handy options. First, find out how many calories you need to perform fundamental functions, including breathing, digestion, and daily activities. The daily exercise you get might also affect your basal metabolic rate. You'll need an equation to do the trick here. The Harris Benedict Equation is a well-known method for determining BMR. It was initially established in 1918. Changes made in 1948 brought about substantial improvements.

Harris-Benedict equation for women: 

  • BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years). 

Harris-Benedict equation for men: 

  • BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years).

Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) by using one of the following:

  • Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.1 {if Sedentary (little or No Exercise)}
  • Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.275 {If you are only moderately active (mild exercise/sports 1-3 days a week)}
  • Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.35 {if you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days a week)}
  • Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.525 {If you are extremely active (heavy exercise/sports 6-7 days a week)}.

Body Mass Index Vs. Basal Metabolic Rate: What's The Difference?

A person's current weight can be quantified statistically using a body mass index (BMI) metric. On the other hand, it takes both height and weight into account. It's a standard method for determining an individual's healthy weight. The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the minimum amount of energy a person needs to maintain their body temperature and vital functions each day, even if they do nothing more than remain in bed.

A person's body mass index (BMI) tends to remain stable. Your ideal weight will be within the same range as long as your height stays the same. In truth, body mass index (BMI) is a valuable tool for all stages of weight management and growth. Conversely, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) will naturally decrease as you age. This is because the metabolism naturally slows with aging. Since this is the case, eating anything you want and keeping the weight off is hard.

Eating poorly, among other things, is a significant contributor to our slow metabolism. If your body is used to a certain caloric intake, drastically reducing it can have several adverse effects. So, your metabolic rate will naturally decrease if you reduce your food intake. As a result, rapid weight reduction is possible, even if you keep eating less. Unfortunately, when you return to your old eating habits, the weight will creep back on much faster than you thought it would.

However, a consistent exercise plan has the potential to boost BMR. Extreme physical exertion necessitates massive food consumption for sustained physical fitness. Do you know how many calories professional athletes need to eat daily just to keep going? Increasing one's level of physical activity quickly raises one's metabolic rate and fuel consumption. Therefore, if you want to maintain your current level of fitness, it is imperative that you engage in regular physical activity and eat a balanced diet.

Weight Management: BMI & BMR Effect

Using your body mass index (BMI) as a benchmark, you can more easily reach your ideal weight.

If you want to gain weight or lean muscle, you must eat at least more calories than your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Those who consistently engage in physical activity will expend more energy than their basal metabolic rate (BMR), so it's important to make up the difference with a calorie surplus through diet. 

Weight loss, on the other hand, necessitates a caloric deficit, or eating fewer calories than you burn every day. Calorie deficits can be maintained through regular exercise by keeping intake below expenditure (burning more calories than we take in). 

Knowing your BMI & BMR is important for reaching any fitness goal, especially if you want to lose weight.

The Takeaway

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a useful tool for determining the optimal weight range. While, knowing your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is important for reaching any fitness goal, especially if you want to lose weight. 

Many people globally battle obesity. When you're busy, losing weight rapidly may be difficult. Work schedules may also make it challenging to lose weight healthily by cutting calories and increasing physical activity. To keep your body fat percentage in check, you might like to try a YourHappy Weight (Gummies) -weight loss supplement.
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