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Article: 11 Iron Rich Indian Foods to Increase Hemoglobin

11 Iron rich Indian foods to increase hemoglobin

11 Iron Rich Indian Foods to Increase Hemoglobin

Iron, B vitamins, and vitamin C are all essential for the body's production of hemoglobin. For optimal health, blood hemoglobin levels must be maintained at 14 to 18 g/dl for adult males and 12 to 16 g/DL for adult females. UNICEF states that anemia and malnutrition affect large sections of the Indian population.

To maintain a healthy hemoglobin level, one must eat a balanced diet, particularly, foods that increase blood in the body. To achieve this, you must increase your intake of foods that aid in the production of hemoglobin.

Do you want to know how to boost hemoglobin levels? What exactly is the important function of iron & suitable iron-rich fruits and vegetables? Let's learn about iron-rich foods and iron blockers to restore hemoglobin levels.

Also Read: Requirements Of Vitamin B2 Rich Foods On A Daily Basis

Why Is Hemoglobin So Important?

Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin, rich in iron, and is responsible for transporting oxygen around the body. Blood hemoglobin levels must be maintained for optimal health. A drop in hemoglobin levels can cause fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness, and a rapid heartbeat if the body is not getting enough oxygen. The hemoglobin level must fall significantly for anemia, and the symptoms can be quite severe.

One of the important functions of iron is for feminine optimal health. Feminine health is because of the increased risk of anemia in the developing fetus and infants, and those who have recently been ill. During a woman's first menstrual period, her body sheds a lot of blood. If you do not take care of yourself now, a lack of iron can lead to anemia in the future.

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11 Iron-Rich Indian Foods to Increase Hemoglobin

The following iron-rich Indian foods for essential increased hemoglobin level function of iron are-

  • Beetroot

Beetroots are very common iron-rich Indian foods that have the potential to immediately raise blood iron levels because of their high iron content. Iron, calcium, vitamins A and C, and dietary fiber abound in this vegetable powerhouse, so it is no wonder it is so popular. All children, pregnant women, lactation mothers, and older adults should eat beets every day because of their health benefits in boosting the blood count. Incorporate this hemoglobin-rich food into your daily diet. Iron content per 100 grams is 0.8 mg.

  • Dates

In addition to their high-calorie content, dates are an excellent source of iron-rich Indian foods, including other nutrients such as vitamins, and minerals. Fresh dates and dried dates are the two types of dates available. No matter how consumed, it causes a surge in the body's iron reserves. A typical home remedy for anemia is also given to expectant and nursing mothers regularly to keep their hemoglobin levels in check. Serving Dates Iron content per 100 grams is 1 mg.

  • Spinach

The best iron rich Indian foods for increasing hemoglobin levels is spinach. In addition, it is a rich source of calcium, vitamins, and fiber. All anemia patients are immediately instructed to increase their greens intake to raise their hemoglobin levels and alleviate symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue and weakness. If you have a history of iron deficiency, you should also take iron supplements. Prepared Meals, 3.2 mg of iron per 100 grams, provides 20% of a person's daily iron needs.

  • Broccoli

Unfortunately, most people do not like broccoli, but it is packed with nutrients and provides 6% of our daily iron needs. In addition to iron, it is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Vitamin C and vitamin K are found in abundance in this food source. Aside from its role in boosting iron levels, broccoli has numerous other health benefits, including a healthy heart, glowing skin, and bright eyes. Broccoli is frequently served raw in salads. If you do not like it raw, you can cook it in soup, gravy, or fry. For every 100 grams of broccoli in prepared meals, there is 0.7 mg of iron present.

  • Soybean

High iron content in soybeans aids in boosting the body's hemoglobin levels, which is why soybeans are commonly consumed. Vegetarians can benefit significantly from soy, which has a high nutritional value and supplies half of the daily requirements for protein and iron. Soybeans contain 37 percent of the body's iron needs in a single serving. It is also loaded with fiber, making it an excellent tool for losing weight.

  • Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are an unexpected iron rich Indian food source of hemoglobin. Iron, vitamin K, zinc, and manganese are abundant in pumpkin seeds. All fussy eaters can enjoy them because they are a nutritious choice. It is possible to persuade children to eat this healthy, chewy snack instead of a bag of potato chips. In a serving of this food, 3.3 mg of iron can be found in every 100 grams.

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  • Pomegranate

Pomegranates are a fantastic source of iron, calcium, proteins, vitamins, and many other essential nutrients and vitamins. In addition to being a popular choice for adults, it is also a popular choice for children. A simple source of iron that does not need to be cooked is a favorite of everyone. Because of its deep red color, the Pomegranate is an excellent source of hemoglobin-boosting nutrients. To keep one's hemoglobin levels in check, it is advised that everyone take it daily. It is also recommended for daily consumption by pregnant and nursing women. Pomegranate juices, on the other hand, are excellent. In servings of Pomegranate, 0.3 mg of iron can be found in every 100 grams.

  • Tomatoes

Tomatoes are the best & common iron rich Indian foods. Vitamin C-rich foods stimulate the body's production of hemoglobin by making iron more easily absorbed. Vitamin C can be found in tomatoes. Like pomegranates, the red color of tomatoes shows a connection to the blood. Tomatoes are a common ingredient in many Indian dishes, and they are therefore a part of our daily diet. You can eat it raw in salads, as a juice, cooked in soups, and curries, among other things. In a serving of tomato, 0.5 mg of iron can be found in every 100 grams.

  • Watermelons

In addition to being a refreshing fruit for the summer months, this fruit is a rich source of hemoglobin, which helps the body absorb oxygen. Additionally, watermelon is rich in Vitamin C, which enhances the body's ability to absorb iron. Watermelon contains 0.2 mg of iron in 100 grams.

  • Apples

The apple is the most widely consumed fruit globally and a rich source of hemoglobin, vitamins, and minerals. A Slice of Apple contains 0.12 mg per 100 grams.

  • Red meat

Apart from iron rich fruits and vegetables, hemoglobin levels can be boosted by eating red meat which is known for being an extremely high-protein food. People who eat a lot of red meat are less likely to suffer from anemia. All non-vegetarians are encouraged to eat red meat at least twice a week to combat anemia, as this food serving in 100 grams contains 2 – 2.5 milligrams of iron.

Also Read: Get to Know the Amount of Protein Intake Needed Based on Your Age Group

Iron-rich fruits and vegetables can be excellent sources of iron, especially when consumed in combination with a vitamin C-rich food. Foods that increase blood in body can ensure adequate iron intake. You can use YourHappy Collagen Powder to improve your overall health by introducing beneficial bacteria to your gut. Consult a doctor or a dietician if you're worried that your diet isn't providing you with enough iron.

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